How Does Oatmeal Impact Skincare? 

As a skincare ingredient, oats and oatmeal can have a significant impact on the health and appearance of your skin, as well as helping to treat conditions that cause dry, flaky skin and irritation.

The active ingredients used in oatmeal products are not only moisturizing the surface layers of your skin; they are also using their natural properties to provide soothing relief for itchiness and aid in the protective performance of your skin’s outer layer. As such, they are the perfect solution for many skin conditions, ensuring a perfect balance of your skin’s microbiome—the ecosystem of bacteria that’s keeping your skin healthy and glowing.

Oatmeal-based products work with your skin to do a number of things, including: ​

  • Moisturizing dry skin to improve its appearance and reduce irritation 
  • Creating a protective barrier, known as the skin microbiome, on the surface of the skin that guards against bad bacteria and UV rays​
  • Helping your skin achieve optimal pH levels, particularly if this has increased
  • Providing sensitive skin relief and reducing the effects of itchiness and other forms of irritation
  • Cleaning the skin by sticking to dirt and dead skin cells to allow them to be washed away more easily

The Benefits of Using Oatmeal to Improve Skin Health:

Triple Oat Complex

Beneficial ingredients are extracted from the raw oats through a careful process. Oat oil can also be removed from oats in a similar way. This helps to concentrate the effects of the chemical compounds found within and promotes prebiotic function to help relieve very dry, itchy and sensitive skin.

The compounds found in all forms of oatmeal include:​

Saponins - designed to absorb dirt on the skin, ideal for cleansing

Polysaccharides - which bind to skin fluids to create a protective barrier

Carbohydrates - which have hydrophilic qualities, making them perfect for moisturizing​

Proteins - which moisturize and emulsify, helping to create a protective barrier for your skin​

Lipids and flavonoids - which have anti-oxidant qualities that help make your skin healthier.


*Combined Infant Cleansing and Baby Lotion categories. Based on the IQVIA survey done with US Pediatricians Mar 2022